Privacy & Data Security

Develop your strategy to prevent privacy and data breaches. Know how to react when they occur.

When, not if.

Privacy Breach’s and Data Breaches will happen. NZBT can help write and implement Privacy Policies and Data Security Policies to protect the information you hold. 
We will work with you to put your customers at the center of how you manage their information. We are committed to embedding customer-focused and truly effective information management into your business, and we will help you shift from box ticking compliance focus, to a model where you consistently deliver on your customers’ and stakeholders’ expectations.

Information is the most valuable asset to business. We can help you to effectively and sustainably invest in managing this vital asset in the right way to make sure it is protected appropriately and you can derive the most value out of it for your organisation and your customers. Work with NZBT to develop procedures to collect, share, store and recover the information your business holds.

How we can help you

Credit Health Checklist

Privacy Health Checks

We can quickly and effectively assess your overall privacy capability to determine if it is operating at the level your customers would expect. We are experts in privacy maturity assessments and work with you to develop a privacy maturity improvement plan aligned to your privacy strategy.

Policy Development and Process Design

Our team will help develop a privacy policy for your organisation, as well as any related processes and documents. The goal is to ensure customers and clients know exactly how you manage their information, and that you effectively communicate this.


Training and Mentoring

We provide a range of bespoke training solutions, which include relevant examples and stories that are meaningful to your staff. We are much more than just a tick-the-box compliance program

Privacy Officer Support Service

We provide a support service for Privacy Officers to ensure they have the support they need. Practical advice and support from people who deal with this every day.

Privacy Impact

Privacy Impact Assessment

We are specialists in privacy by design and can provide consulting services to develop or review privacy impact assessments for your projects and change initiatives. We can also help to design and implement customised privacy impact assessment processes to fit your organisation’s project methodologies and related change processes.

Privacy Strategy

We work with you to develop a concise and outcomes-focussed Privacy Strategy aligned to your wider business priorities and targets. We can also work with you to implement the strategy across your organisation to ensure it is effectively embedded at all levels from culture setting through to your privacy work programme.